Agnes Nakato - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Agnes Nakato

Center Lugazi Center

Age 17

First Name Agnes

Last Name Nakato

Date Of Birth 2006-06-01

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Brown

Agnes is the first born in a family of two boys and three girls.  She stays with both parents but the father has other two wives.  The second wife has seven children and the third wife has one child making a total of thirteen children all together.  The children of the other two wives stay with their mothers. Agnes’ mother is unemployed while the father grows cassava and beans to feed the big family. Most of the children dropped out of school due to lack of tuition and the few who are still in, miss almost every day. Agnes is still pressing on with her studies. She is very hard working. Your love and support will help Agnes achieve her dream of becoming a nurse in future.




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