Alex Kalunda - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Alex Kalunda

Center Lugazi Center

Age 18

First Name Alex

Last Name Kalunda

Date Of Birth 2006-03-23

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Blue

Alex comes from a family of five children; three boys and two girls.  He is the fourth born.  He stays with both his parents who are peasants.  Alex’s parents are the kind that raise children with morals and discipline.  They try their level best to provide for their children’s basic necessities but they usually fail.  Alex has turned out to be a very humble, disciplined and hardworking boy.  He respects his fellow students and teachers.  He dreams of becoming a police officer.  He wants to keep law and order in his community taming people who tend to disrespect others.  His love for attaining education can push you into supporting his education.  It can totally transform his life, his family’s and the entire community.