Allan Kato Ssekandi - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Allan Kato Ssekandi

Center Rwenjiri Center

Age 3

First Name Allan

Last Name Kato Ssekandi

Date Of Birth 2020-10-10

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Writing

Favorite Activity Singing

Favorite Color Blue

I am the 4th born in my family. I have a twin sister and twin brothers which amuses the community. My parents are peasant farmers who grow maize and beans. Recently the government asked us to move away from some of the land because it is a protected forest area. This affects the ability of my mother and father of getting enough crops for us to eat and also sell in the local market. It makes it difficult for me to comfortably go to school.
Your support would enable me go to school and realize my dream of becoming a Doctor.