Allan Tocere - 2 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Allan Tocere

Center Lagutu Center

Age 13

First Name Allan

Last Name Tocere

Date Of Birth 2011-07-11

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Numbers

Favorite Activity Playing with toys

Favorite Color Blue

Allan has three sisters and they live with both parents in a grass thatched hut made of mud and bamboo. His father is a drunkard who drinks every penny he gets. The father has two other women who live adjacent to Allan’s home. He doesn’t provide for his families. It is Allan’s mom’s obligation to provide for her children. She manages to provide food from the few food crops that she grows in her small garden. She finds it most difficult to pay for Allan’s tuition and school supplies. Allan loves school. By sponsoring him today, you will help him stay in school and reach his goal of being a teacher.