Alvin Nsubuga - 4 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Alvin Nsubuga

Center Troas Center

Age 12

First Name Alvin

Last Name Nsubuga

Date Of Birth 2011-08-26

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Numbers

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Alvin is the fifth born in a family of two boys and three girls. Alvin has both parents but they are separated. Alvin's father does not care about his children, it has always been his mother’s responsibility to take care of all the children and meet all their needs. Alvin's mother only grows enough crops to feed her family and there is never any left to sell. Alvin's mother can feed her children, yet she cannot afford to pay tuition for Alvin or his siblings. Alvin loves school and he has a dream of becoming a teacher in the future. Your love and sponsorship will help Alvin obtain a quality education and have a brighter future.