Arserinol Ssebiranda - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Arserinol Ssebiranda

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 19

First Name Arserinol

Last Name Ssebiranda

Date Of Birth 2005-02-02

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Social Studies

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

serinol is the first born in a family of six boys only.  He has both parents, but they separated.  The mother left the home and got married to another man.  Arserinol lives with his father and the step mother. The father is unemployed due to a serious accident that left him with injuries.  He lost some teeth and got a brain injury.  He is not in good condition, and he doesn’t get good health care. The step mother keeps a garden of beans and corn to feed her family.  She has no other income sources where she can get money to pay for Arserinol’s tuition.  Arserinol has a dream hoping that one-day things will change.  He wants to become a doctor.  His main reason is to be able to extend medical services to his family and his community.  Your prayers and sponsorship can cause a big change in Arserinol’s life and community.