Babra Ajok - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Babra Ajok

Center Lagutu Center

Age 15

First Name Babra

Last Name Ajok

Date Of Birth 2009-03-03

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Playing with toys

Favorite Color Orange

Babra is the seventh born in a family of ten. She has five brothers and four sisters. She lives with both her parents in a remote area. They walk about 4 miles to the nearest well for water. The nearest health center is about 8 miles away. The parents rely on the few crops they grow in their backyard as their food. Having such a large family, the parents are unable to provide for all their children’s needs especially paying for their children’s tuition and school supplies. Babra is a determined little girl who walks 5 miles to school with her siblings.  They leave home at 6:00 AM and return at 6:00 PM. Your support for Babra will help her meet her educational needs thus securing her goal of becoming a teacher.