Barbara Alimo - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Barbara Alimo

Center Lagutu Center

Age 14

First Name Barbara

Last Name Alimo

Date Of Birth 2009-09-13

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Playing with dolls

Favorite Color Red

Barbara, is the second born in a family of one boy and two girls. She and her family live in Gulu, Northern Uganda, an area which had been in tribal war for many years. They have no access to most of life’s basic needs. They walk about 2 miles to the nearest well and about 8 miles to the health care center. Barbara walks about 5 miles to school. She starts her journey at 6:00AM, and at 6:00PM, she returns home. Barbara is constantly in lack of most basic needs especially food and tuition. With your sponsorship Barbara’s life can be transformed  and she will be able to reach her goal  becoming a doctor. Your sponsorship will provide her with quality education, food and medication.