Bashir Ganyana - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Bashir Ganyana

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 10

First Name Bashir

Last Name Ganyana

Date Of Birth 2013-08-08

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Bashir, the sixth born in his family has 4 sisters and 2 brothers. His father had high blood pressure and he got a stroke in 2016 which left his left side paralyzed. He was on medication until he died in 2017. This left the mother the responsibility of providing for the whole family. She is a peasant who grows a few crops in her garden for food and some are sold to help her earn a little money. The money earned is always little, insufficient to meet most of the children’s needs. Bashir was rescued together with his siblings by Imani Milele in 2018 and put on the child sponsorship program. He has just started school but if his education isn’t supported, he is likely to drop out. In the picture below is Bashir’s dad, the one holding a clutch before he had died.