Benard Omara - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Benard Omara

Center Lagutu Center

Age 19

First Name Benard

Last Name Omara

Date Of Birth 2005-02-02

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Blue

Benard comes from a family of 4 girls and 3 boys. The parents are separated, and currently, Benard and his siblings live with their mother. They live in a grass-thatched house with a dirt floor. The mother grows a few crops like sorghum, beans, and cassava to feed Benard and the other children. The father doesn’t provide any support for the family and this forces the mother to sell part of her harvest to earn money to pay Benard's tuition and school supplies. Money is not always available which forces her son to miss school. Benard walks close to 5 miles back and forth to school.  Your support for Benard's education will keep him in school and enable him to reach his goal of being a teacher. In the picture is Benard, his mother and some of his siblings.