Benjamin Kasumba - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Benjamin Kasumba

Center Kitongo Center

Age 13

First Name Benjamin

Last Name Kasumba

Date Of Birth 2010-10-07

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Blue

Benjamin is the second born of 2 girls and 1 boy. His father is a polygamist and a drunkard. He spends all his earnings from his carpentry work in drinking alcohol. He does not provide for any family needs. Benjamin’s mother struggles to provide at least one meal a day to her children from the few crops she grows in her garden. With no source of income, she finds it difficult to clothe her children and take them to a health center when an illness arises. Paying for Benjamin’s tuition and providing him with needed school supplies is out of the question. Benjamin has attended school sporadically in the past.  His career goal is to become a carpenter. He can have a better life and reach his career goal with sponsorship.  Not only will sponsorship provide tuition and school supplies it will also give him a meal at school.