Benjamin Kiwanuka - 2 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Benjamin Kiwanuka

Center Troas Center

Age 19

First Name Benjamin

Last Name Kiwanuka

Date Of Birth 2005-01-02

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Benjamin, the fifth born in his family has three brothers and two sisters. He lives with both his parents. His mother is a house wife and the father is a low income earner. Benjamin’s father has tried his level best to provide basic needs and support his family. However, he is overwhelmed by the load that seems heavy for him because he can’t provide most of the basic necessities for his children. Benjamin is smart in class and loves school. He was rescued when he was in the fourth grade and put on the child sponsorship program. Benjamin needs your support in order to stay in school and work for his dream.