Brenda Kemigisha - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Brenda Kemigisha

Center Rwenjiri Center

Age 14

First Name Brenda

Last Name Kemigisha

Date Of Birth 2010-02-10

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Dodgeball

Favorite Color Blue

I am the first born of 3 children in my family. I have 1 brother and 1 sister. Father has 11 other children. He is growing old and weaker and it is hard for him to do heavy work. My parents rely on subsistence farming which is done on a very small scale to sustain the entire family. The crops grown are majorly used for food. My parents struggle to pay for my school tuition to keep me in school. I was rescued in 2017 and put on the Imani Milele sponsorship program.