Bridget Kemigisha - 3 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Bridget Kemigisha

Center Rwenjiri Center

Age 8

First Name Bridget

Last Name Kemigisha

Date Of Birth 2016-01-09

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Reading

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Purple

I am the 1st born in my family. My siblings and I live with mummy and Daddy who hire land to cultivate crops such as maize, beans, potatoes and cassava. When the yields are good, some of the excess food is sold in the market and income is used to buy other household necessities and also take me to school. Of recent the yields have been very low due to poor rains. This makes it difficult to pay my school fees and makes me stay home.
Your support would help me stay in school, be taught skills that would enable me obtain a better future.