Catherine Nambaluka - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Catherine Nambaluka

Center Troas Center

Age 15

First Name Catherine

Last Name Nambaluka

Date Of Birth 2009-03-03

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Athletics

Favorite Color Red

From a family of five children; three boys and two girls comes the lovely Catherine who is the fifth born. Her father died when Catherine was at a very tender age. She and her siblings remained with their mother who is a seamstress. She finds such a hard time in catering for her family because she earns very little. Her children attending school on a regular basis is impossible because they are always sent back home for tuition. It always breaks her heart to see them back but feels helpless. Catherine's mother believes that the only way her children can have a bright future is through attaining education but that can only be possible with educational support.



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