Catherine Namusisi - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Catherine Namusisi

Center Kitongo Center

Age 16

First Name Catherine

Last Name Namusisi

Date Of Birth 2008-01-18

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Athletics

Favorite Color Green

Catherine is the fifth born in a family of five children.  She has 2 sisters and 2 brothers.  Catherine’s mother suddenly became ill and passed away.  The father neglected the children so they went to live with other family members.    Catherine is now living with her aunt.  Catherine’s aunt relies on farming to sustain the family.  If there is a drought, much of the crops are destroyed leaving very little food to feed them.  Paying for Catherine’s tuition and school supplies is very challenging in this situation.  Catherine would like to become a nurse.  By sponsoring this young lady, you will help her attend school regularly and reach her goal.