Dickson Kwagala - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Dickson Kwagala

Center Lugazi Center

Age 20

First Name Dickson

Last Name Kwagala

Date Of Birth 2003-08-15

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Dickson’s dad died in 2005. He is third born of three boys and one girl. After the death of their dad, their mother was so irresponsible for her children that she chose to abandon them. Dickson’s auntie who is unemployed took Dickson in together with his sister. The other siblings were taken by their uncle. She struggles to provide for these two in addition to her own children. Dickson sometimes misses school because her aunt always fails to pay the tuition and provide Dickson with school supplies. Dickson is so helpful to the auntie especially digging out weeds in the garden. He loves school and your support will restore his hope of attaining an education and living a better life when he grows up.