Emmanuel Maggwa - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Emmanuel Maggwa

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 13

First Name Emmanuel

Last Name Maggwa

Date Of Birth 2010-12-10

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Reading

Favorite Activity Playing with toys

Favorite Color Yellow

Emmanuel is from a family of 3 children. He has 2 sisters. He has lived with his maternal Aunt for 2 years. His father was murdered in 2017 as he was riding a motorcycle. His job was to transport people on a motorcycle. Emmanuel’s mother who lives in a neighboring town is not responsible enough to check on her children. Emmanuel’s aunt is unemployed but her husband is a subsistence farmer. Emmanuel lacks most of the basic needs because the family’s income isn’t reliable. Sponsoring Emmanuel will enable him to stay in school and attain an education.