Emmanuel Rubangakene - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Emmanuel Rubangakene

Center Lagutu Center

Age 16

First Name Emmanuel

Last Name Rubangakene

Date Of Birth 2008-02-05

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Emmanuel is born in a family of one boy and one girl.  His parents separated.  Each of them went their own way. They left Emmanuel and his younger sister, Mary, with the paternal grandparents. In addition the grandparents have 4 other grandchildren to look after.  The grandparents are both unemployed. Emmanuel’s grandmother grows a few crops to feed the family. Emmanuel’s greatest hope is in attaining an education, but the grandparents can’t afford to pay his tuition or provide him with school supplies. With your sponsorship, Emmanuel will be able to attend school and attain an education.