Erisa Nyombi - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Erisa Nyombi

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 20

First Name Erisa

Last Name Nyombi

Date Of Birth 2004-04-04

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Literacy

Favorite Activity Soccer

Erisa is the third born in his family with two brothers and one sister.  His parents separated 5 years ago and he now stays with his father and step-mother.  His father has neglected his responsibility of providing his children’s needs because he is a low income earner.  Erisa is too old compared to the class he is in now but he doesn’t care as long as he goes to school to attain education.  What keeps getting in his way is his father’s failure to pay for his tuition and providing necessary school supplies to him.   His prayer has always been finishing school so that he can be able to extend help to his parents and the community as a whole.  Erisa is a happy boy who plays soccer in his free time.