Faimah Nabirye - 2 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Faimah Nabirye

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 18

First Name Faimah

Last Name Nabirye

Date Of Birth 2006-04-02

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Singing

Favorite Color Yellow

Fayima comes from a family of 4 children. She has two sisters and one brother. Her father died and the mother chose to abandon the children to their maternal aunt. The aunt also has children of her own but she earns very little. Fayima has always lacked most basic needs like tuition, school supplies, food, clothes and medication. It is Fayima’s wish to live a better life in future. That is why she studies hard whenever she gets an opportunity of being in school. In order for Fayima to regularly attend school, she needs support with her education. Help to transform Fayima’s life by sponsoring her.