Florence Nakyeyune - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Florence Nakyeyune

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 17

First Name Florence

Last Name Nakyeyune

Date Of Birth 2007-04-04

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Dodgeball

Favorite Color Red

Florence comes from a family of two girls and two boys. She has both parents but they are separated. Her father has another wife and her mother's whereabouts are unknown. Florence is now living with her paternal grandmother who is solely responsible for providing for all Florence’s needs. Florence's grandmother grows a few crops on a rented piece of land mainly for home consumption. When she can, she sells a portion of the harvest to earn a little money. She gives part of the money she earns to the land owner for rent and then uses the rest to buy basic necessities like laundry soap and salt. Florence's grandmother has extreme difficulty in paying for Florence’s tuition. Your sponsorship will help provide for Florence's tuition and help keep her in school.