Fortunate Adong - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Fortunate Adong

Center Lagutu Center

Age 18

First Name Fortunate

Last Name Adong

Date Of Birth 3/13/2006

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Dodge Ball

Favorite Color Grey

Fortunate is born in a family of four children; three girls and one boy her being the third born. Her father got an illness which he treated for a while buy failed to recover until he died. By then, Fortunate was still at a tender age. She and her siblings remained with their mother alone in a very small house deep in the village. She depends on farming which is done on a small piece of land to sustain the entire family. She plants crops, waits till they are ready and then sells off the harvest to get money. Sometimes, the harvest is little due to some pests and diseases or may delay. This in turn affects the income earned making it little hence insufficient to cater for all the children's basic necessities.