Geofrey Mukooza - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Geofrey Mukooza

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 23

First Name Geofrey

Last Name Mukooza

Date Of Birth 2001-02-06

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Geofrey has one brother and one sister him being the third born. Their father died in 2007 after he was involved in a car accident. The kids were left under the care of their mom who is still unemployed. The family depends on crops the mother grows on their small piece of property. The harvest is not enough to feed them and to sell so they earn some money. Geofreys greatest need is tuition and school requirements which the mother cannot afford. He believes that he will one day achieve his dream of becoming a surgeon but this may end up in vain unless his education is funded.