Gloria Mendera - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Gloria Mendera

Center Troas Center

Age 18

First Name Gloria

Last Name Mendera

Date Of Birth 2006-01-26

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Blue

Gloria is born in a family of five children; three boys and two girls her being the fourth born. She lost her father at a tender age. She remained with her mother who is a peasant. She plants a few crops on a small piece of land, waits till they are ready and then sells off the harvest. Sometimes, the harvest is little due to some pests and diseases, bad weather or may delay. This, in turn, affects the income earned making it little or delayed insufficient to cater for the children's necessities. The main challenge faced by the mother is paying for the children's tuition and feeding them on a daily basis. Gloria is a very smart girl.