Center Lugazi Center
Age 17
First Name Gloria
Last Name Nakumanya
Date Of Birth 2007-03-08
Gender Female
Favorite Subject English
Favorite Activity Making hand made baby toys
Favorite Color Pink
Gloria has never had a chance to meet her parents. Her mother had a mental illness by the time she gave birth to Gloria and she died of HIV AIDs after Gloria was born. The father also died afterward. Gloria is the second born with one brother. While still a baby, Gloria was taken in by her auntie till now. Her aunt is so poor that she can hardly provide clothing, health care, and good nutrition except for the food she grows in her small garden. Gloria had dropped out of school because her auntie couldn't afford to pay for her tuition and school supplies. Imani Milele identified Gloria and gave her the chance to attend school. Your choice to sponsor Gloria will provide for her tuition and meals at school. You can also send a gift to provide Gloria with clothes, a good nutrition, and bedding. Please pray for her family.