Grace Nakiyana - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Grace Nakiyana

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 19

First Name Grace

Last Name Nakiyana

Date Of Birth 2005-07-17

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Dodgeball

Favorite Color Brown

Grace is the eighth born of 5 boys and 3 girls in her family. Her father was involved in a motor accident that left him disabled. Grace's mother grows crops like cassava, plantains, and potatoes mainly for home consumption. In times of drought, crops which are the family’s only source of income, dry up causing the harvest to be little. Grace’s parents cannot afford to pay for Grace's tuition or buy her the required school supplies which causes Grace to miss school. Grace shows a lot of interest in school and she works hard in school. Your sponsorship will help Grace to stay in school and realize her dream. Your sponsorship will not only transform Grace's life but also the lives of her family and her community.