Grace Namusoke - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Grace Namusoke

Center Lugazi Center

Age 18

First Name Grace

Last Name Namusoke

Date Of Birth 2006-04-14

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Rope Skipping

Favorite Color Pink

Grace comes from a family of 3 girls and 1 boy. Her parents are unemployed but work hard to grow crops on their small piece of property to feed their kids. Grace lacks most of the basic needs like clothes, health care, and bedding because her parents hardly earn any income from selling some of their food crops. Grace loves school but there are a lot of challenges like the lack of tuition and school supplies. She has to stay home on some days until her parents provide her with the above requirements. She is on the verge of dropping out of school if this situation persists. With your love, prayers, and support, Grace will stay in school, attain an education and pursue her dream of becoming a nurse.