Center Troas Center
Age 19
First Name Hellen
Last Name Namatende
Date Of Birth 2005-04-12
Gender Female
Favorite Subject English
Favorite Activity Rope Skipping
Favorite Color Red
Hellen is born in a family of seven children; five girls and two boys her being the sixth born. She stays with both her parents who work hard to provide for her basic necessities. Regardless of how much they try, they still fail to provide for most of what their children need mainly because they are unemployed. They are peasants who plant a few crops on a small piece of land, wait till they are ready and then sell off the harvest. Sometimes, the harvest is little due to some pests and diseases, bad weather or may delay. This in turn affects the income earned making it little or delayed, insufficient to cater for all the children's necessities. Hellen is a well behaved girl who shows much interest in studies.