Henry Ssekiranda - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Henry Ssekiranda

Center Lugazi Center

Age 16

First Name Henry

Last Name SSekiranda

Date Of Birth 2008-08-07

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Green

Henry is the fourth born with three sisters.  The parents separated and his mother left Henry and the siblings with their father. The father is unemployed with no reliable source of income. He works hard to grow crops on their small piece of property on which he feeds the kids. Henry lacks most of the basic needs like clothes, health care, and bedding. He loves school but he faces the challenges of lack of tuition and school supplies. Henry has to stay home on some days until his parents provide him with the above requirements. With your contribution, Henry will attend school uninterrupted and he will attain an education.