Herbert Aluma - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Herbert Aluma

Center Troas Center

Age 10

First Name Herbert

Last Name Aluma

Date Of Birth 2013-07-04

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Herbert comes from a family of four children. He has 2 brothers and 1 sister. In 2016, his father died of an unknown illness. Herbert was only 2 years. He now lives with his mother. Two of his siblings live with their uncle since his mother could not afford to provide for the whole family. The mother struggles to earn a living, but even what she earns is too little to meet the necessities of the family.  Herbert likes school and he would like to be a teacher when he finishes. With your sponsorship, Herbert would have the opportunity to begin his educational goal of becoming a teacher.