Ivan Ssewagudde - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Ivan Ssewagudde

Center Kitongo Center

Age 19

First Name Ivan

Last Name Ssewagudde

Date Of Birth 2004-08-13

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Ivan is the second born of 5 children.  He has 3 sisters and 1 brother.  Ivan lost both his parents to HIV-AIDS and after the death of his parents, the children were distributed among their relatives.  Ivan was taken in by his grandma who has other 4 grandchildren under her care.  They all stay in a small mud and bamboo house.  Due to old age, Ivan’s grandma can’t afford to do heavy work.  She manages to do crop growing on her small piece of land and the crops are used for home consumption.  Ivan’s grandma can’t afford to pay for his tuition and provide for his school supplies as well.  Can you help Ivan go to school and have a future?