Ivan Ssozi - 2 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Ivan Ssozi

Center Lugazi Center

Age 17

First Name Ivan

Last Name Ssozi

Date Of Birth 2007-03-04

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Rope skipping

Favorite Color Black

Ivan doesn't know the whereabouts of both his dad and mom. He has no brother or sister. The parents left Ivan with his grandmother when he was still a baby. The grandma is unemployed and unable to provide most of the financial needs like health care, clothes, and bedding. She works hard to grow crops to provide food at home. Ivan's future will be brighter if he attains an education but the grandma has always failed to raise Ivan's tuition and school supplies and results into Ivan missing school sometimes. Ivan loves school so much that he walks about 4 miles from his grandma's to school. Your choice to sponsor him will be a great opportunity for him to settle in school and pursue his dream.


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