Center Rwenjiri Center
Age 18
First Name Jackson
Last Name Bwambale
Date Of Birth 2006-03-05
Gender Male
Favorite Subject Mathematics
Favorite Activity Soccer
Favorite Color Orange
Jackson is the 1st born having 1 brother and 1 sister. Jackson and his siblings are orphans. Their father abandoned them when they were of tender age. His where about are not known. Their single poor mother passed on in August 2018 after suffering multiple ailments like; blindness, diabetes and HIV (AIDS). Soon after the death of their mother, Jackson and the 2 siblings were left to live with their maternal grandmother. The grandmother who is unemployed is in charge of providing for her grandchildren. She works so hard in her small garden where she grows crops basically for home consumption. She is too poor to provide tuition and other school requirements for Jackson to attend school. Jackson loves school but attends irregularly due to unpaid tuition yet he performs well in class. He needs prayers, encouragement and support towards his education.