Jane Kulabako - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Jane Kulabako

Center Kitongo Center

Age 20

First Name Jane

Last Name Kulabako

Date Of Birth 2003-08-05

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Social Studies

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Pink

Jane stays with both parents however, her father is jobless and the mother is a house wife. She is a bright girl who is so serious with studies and cant wait to to achieve her future dreams of becoming a lawyer although lack of fees keeps standing in the way of her dreams as she cant be kept in school without having paid the school dues. Jane is the third born in a family of four girls and three boys. Jane is faced with a very serious skin disease since her childhood and this has affected her studies so much as she sometimes misses school due to pain. The parents tried to consult a physician but they were scared off by the amount it would cost to rescue the situation.