Center Kamusenene Center
Age 15
First Name Joel
Last Name Ssebalunzi
Date Of Birth 2009-03-17
Gender Male
Favorite Subject English
Favorite Activity Soccer
Favorite Color Red
Joel is born in a family of 1 boy and 1 girl. His father died when Joel was of tender age. His mother remarried and Joel was left to live with his grandmother, a subsistence farmer. Joel, his grandmother together with 8 other relatives live in a two-room house made of mud and bamboo. The grandmother has difficulty providing for the needs of Joel especially tuition, clothing and medical care. Joel is a very smart little boy who loves to attend school. It is during school that he gets to meet his friends with whom he feels loved and accepted. He has a dream of becoming a Pilot. With your support, Joel will be able to stay in school and reach his goal.