Joelia Nabinfa - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Joelia Nabinfa

Center Lusaka Center

Age 17

First Name Joelia

Last Name Nabinfa

Date Of Birth 2007-03-28

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Dancing

Favorite Color Orange

Joelia comes from a family of four children one boy and three girls and her being the last born in the family. Joelia lives with both parents and the mother is a house wife. Her father’s income is not enough to sustainably keep Joelia in school coupled with caring for the family. This has made Joelia to be irregular In school something that has affected her studies. When the rescue team from imani milele went to her, she cried out and said that “l want school and my dream is to become an engineer”.Joelia is a disciplined humble girl and we believe that through sponsorship her dream can be achieved.