John Kiggundu - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

John Kiggundu

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 16

First Name John

Last Name Kiggundu

Date Of Birth 2008-02-29

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Soccer

John is the third born of the five children in his family having two brothers and two sisters.  His parents used to have consistent arguments, misunderstandings and fights.  At a certain time, they failed to resolve them so their marriage ended in separation.  The mother left taking three children along with her.  John and his sister remained with their father who married another woman.  John’s step-mom has no children yet and she tries treating John and his sister like her own children.  Parental love and care isn’t enough in a child’s life.  Even if John receives all that, he often lacks basic essentials especially tuition, food, clothing and medication.