John Kyobe - 2 of 4 Shares Sponsored

John Kyobe

Center Lusaka Center

Age 23

First Name John

Last Name Kyobe

Date Of Birth 2000-10-30

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Technical Drawing

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Yellow

First Name John

John is the fourth born in a family of five boys. Due to frequent disagreements between his parents, they separated. This marked the beginning of suffering in John’s life because his dad left the responsibility of providing for the children’s needs to their mom. John’s mother is sickly. It’s hard for her to meet her medical bills including paying for John’s tuition.  John used to miss school due to lack of tuition and school supplies. That’s when Imani Milele through its child sponsorship program in 2011 chose to support him in school and provide some of his needs.   John, whose dream is to become an engineer has always made good grades in school. Your love, support and prayers will enable John to continue with his education.