Center Kamusenene Center
Age 13
First Name Jonah
Last Name Nsamba
Date Of Birth 2011-03-18
Gender Male
Favorite Subject Drawing
Favorite Activity Playing with handmade toys
Favorite Color Blue
There are three children in Jonah’s family; two girls and one boy him being the first born. He stays with both his parents who have struggled all their life to see to it that their children have brighter futures. They are peasants who rise early in the morning to go to their small garden and return late in the evening. However, they are challenged by the fact that they earn very little from their garden especially when rains fail leading to low yields. This makes it very hard for them to provide from domestic needs to tuition and school supplies. Jonah, who has just started school this year, is most likely to drop out if his education isn’t supported. In the picture below are Jonah and his paternal grandparents.