Joran Kafumbe - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Joran Kafumbe

Center Lugazi Center

Age 17

First Name Joran

Last Name Kafumbe

Date Of Birth 2006-05-17

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Blue

Joran is the last born in the family of 2 boys and 2 girls. At the age of 2, his parents separated because the father was too irresponsible to provide for the family yet he had the ability. Joran and his siblings were left living with their mother who solely provides for the family. The mother is a house wife. It is hard for the mother to provide for Joran and his 3 siblings since she’s unemployed. Therefore, school supplies and tuition is an issue for Joran. This little boy is very vibrant about school and would like to become a doctor in future. Giving your hand of help towards his education would be a joy to him and his family.