Center Lugazi Center
Age 17
First Name Jorvan
Last Name Katende
Date Of Birth 2007-08-14
Gender Male
Favorite Subject English
Favorite Activity Soccer
Favorite Color Red
Jovan is a total orphan and was born alone in his family. Both parents died when he was barely two years old. After the death of his parents, Jovan was placed under the care of his paternal Aunt who is a peasant. She rents a small piece of land where she grows crops mainly for food at home. Jovan lacks most of life’s basic needs because his guardian has no sure source of income and she takes care of 10 other children. Jovan walks a long distance to school when he is able to attend. Sometimes he is unable to go to school due to unpaid tuition and lack of school fees. With your sponsorship, he will be able to regularly attend school and reach his goal of becoming a doctor.