Joseph Okello - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Joseph Okello

Center Troas Center

Age 13

First Name Joseph

Last Name Okello

Date Of Birth 2010-06-05

Gender Male

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Blue

Joseph is the fifth born in a family of four boys and two girls. He has both parents but they are now separated. The father has another wife and he does not support this family. The mother is suffering from lung cancer which has made her very weak. Due to lack of money, she has no medication. The elder sister helps the mother to search for what to eat. They have a small garden where they dig and get food for only home consumption. Joseph has grown in a very hard situation but he is a very prayerful young boy. He prays and hopes life to change in future. He has a dream of becoming an engineer. With your love and sponsorship, Joseph will get the support he needs to have a good future.