Joshua Obedi - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Joshua Obedi

Center Lagutu Center

First Name Joshua

Last Name Obedi

Date Of Birth 2010-11-05

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Literacy

Favorite Activity Making toys

Favorite Color Blue

Joshua is the youngest of three children in his family. He has one brother and one sister. His father did not have any source of income, yet he had to provide for his family and relatives. He felt so burdened that he poisoned himself and died. This left Joshua and his older siblings with their poor and unemployed mother. She grows a few food crops which include; cassava, corn and beans in their backyard for their home consumption. At his age, Joshua walks almost 2 miles to school but his mother can barely pay for his tuition. It’s only through your support and prayers that Joshua will settle in class and work towards his dreams.