Julius Kazibwe - 2 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Julius Kazibwe

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 19

First Name Julius

Last Name Kazibwe

Date Of Birth 2004-09-20

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Green

Julius has 1 young sister Rose and 2 step sisters. His parents separated about 7 years ago and Julius’ mother got another husband. She left Julius and Rose with their father Stephen who later got another wife. The father and Julius’ step mother are both unemployed. They are peasant farmers who grow crops for food at home. Although Julius misses his mother because she rarely visits them, he has a great interest in attaining an education if helped. His father finds a lot of difficulties providing Julius’ needs especially tuition and school supplies. About 2 years ago, Julius was enrolled in the Imani Milele Choir because of his skills in music, dance and African drumming. Being part of the choir has greatly helped him to discover his potential, developed his skills and self-esteem. Please support Julius’ education and he will live a better life. Also, pray that Julius will succeed in his endeavors in school.