Linda Nabasumba - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Linda Nabasumba

Center Lugazi Center

Age 12

First Name Linda

Last Name Nabasumba

Date Of Birth 2011-07-14

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Making dolls

Favorite Color Blue

Linda is an orphan whose father died when she was seven months old. Because of the poverty life and other related challenges, the mother could not provide all the basic needs. She opted to wean Linda at that tender age, dropped her at paternal grandmother’s home and went her own way. Linda’s grandmother is too old and weak to provide most of Linda’s basic needs especially health care, good accommodation, clothing, tuition and school supplies. At her age, Linda is so responsible and helpful to her grandmother. She collects water, washes the dishes and sweeps around the house. Fortunately, Linda already attends school and her performance is average. Your love and support will help Rachael to receive the support of tuition, school supplies, clothes which can’t be afforded by the grandmother.



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