Loyce Welomunu - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Loyce Welomunu

Center Lagutu Center

Age 14

First Name Loyce

Last Name Welomunu

Date Of Birth 2010-04-02

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Blue

Loyce, the third born in her family has five brothers and one sister. She stays with both parents who are peasants and live in a grass-thatched house. They grow crops like cassava, corn and beans for home consumption. Sometimes, they sell part of the harvest to earn some money to meet their children’s needs. The prolonged recent drought has affected the family’s harvest. Loyce begins walking to school at 6am due to its distance of two miles away. Loyce’s parents are in no position to pay for her education. You can make a big difference in Loyce’s life through your sponsorship. In the picture is Loyce, her sibling and parents.