Bridget Margaret Nagujja - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Bridget Margaret Nagujja

Center Rwenjiri Center

Age 8

First Name Bridget

Last Name Margaret Nagujja

Date Of Birth 2016-07-17

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Playing Netball

Favorite Color Red

I am the 1st child in a family of 6 children. My siblings are two sets of twins- twin brothers and a sister and a brother. I live in a hilly, forested area called Rwenjiri. My parents are peasant farmers tilling the land for our upkeep and they grow maize and beans. Recently the government reclaimed part of our land for it was gazetted as a forest area. This affects the ability of my mother and father of getting enough income from farming to adequately care for our basic needs.
Your support would enable me continue attending school and realize my dream of being a Doctor