Margret Nabaggala - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Margret Nabaggala

Center Kitongo Center

Age 18

First Name Margret

Last Name Nabaggala

Date Of Birth 2005-08-12

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Dodgeball

Favorite Color Red

Margret was born in a family of five children. She has two sisters and two brothers. Her parents are separated. Her father married another woman and abandoned Margaret to the poor and unemployed mother. All she manages to do is to feed her children from the crops she grows in her small garden. Margret has had a very difficult time growing up.  She has had to leave school when tuition is not paid, which affects her ability to do well in school.  When she is able to attend, she is a hard worker and is determined to do well in her studies.  Margret would like to become a nurse which will enable her to medically care for her family and others in the area. With your sponsorship, she will be able to regularly attend school and complete her studies.  Your consideration to sponsor this young girl will be much appreciated.