Margret Nakijoba - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Margret Nakijoba

Center Lugazi Center

Age 14

First Name Margret

Last Name Nakijoba

Date Of Birth 2010-04-09

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Hide & Seek

Favorite Color Blue

Margret, last born in the family of six children has three brothers and two sisters. They stay with both parents. Their father cares less about the family and it is their mother who struggles to provide for her children. The mother is a house wife who works in people’s gardens to provide food for her 6 children and from her little wage, she tries to see that her children receive most of the basic necessities. But the needs seem too much for her since there’s often no support from the father so it is hard for her to meet all her family’s needs.